
Accounting Practice

Melbourne - South East


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Accounting Practice

ID: 257


Established practice in an attractive location with excellent industry reputation. This practice has a strong record of organic growth and a high quality base of long-term primarily small business clients with very few simple I-returns. Fees are split 60 / 40 accounting and bookkeeping. The practice is efficiently run and debtors well managed. The Vendors are committed to a smooth transition and supported by a proactive and capable team with good client relationships. There is scope to relocate the practice within 10-15 kms of its current location, and further opportunities for growth through proactive marketing and additional services.

Reason for sale: The two Vendors are aged in their 70’s and 30’s. The older Vendor is transitioning to retirement, while the younger one was forced to depart the practice in July 2022 for health reasons.

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